4 Laning from KM 0.00 To KM 42.00 of Dobaspet to Dodaballapur section of NH-648 (Old NH-207) on Hybrid annuity mode under Bharatmala Pariyojna, In the state of Karnataka (Package-1).
A 4 Laning from KM 0.00 To KM 42.00 of Dobaspet to Dodaballapur section.
About Project
Dobaspet to Dodaballapur Road Project
A 4 Laning from KM 0.00 To KM 42.00 of Dobaspet to Dodaballapur section.
Project info
Client: National Highways, (MORTH) Bangalore.Contractor: M/s Shankarnarayana Constructions Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Design Element: Casting Yard, U-Girder shuttering, Pier, Pier cap shuttering